Test-Mask-Go (from the DPH, CSDE, OEC)
TEST-MASK-GO is an optional strategy designed to increase the number of days of in-person learning and care available to children, both to improve the social/emotional/physical wellbeing of students, staff, and their families and to enhance learning recovery. The fall and spring allergy seasons combined with New England winters present a challenge for schools, child care, and youth camp facilities that were advised in previous years to exclude individuals from in-person attendance if they had any of a long list of symptoms associated with COVID-19.
Schools, child care programs, and camp operators choosing to utilize a Test-Mask-Go strategy can give children and staff with mild respiratory disease symptoms (e.g., infrequent cough, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, etc.) the option to continue participating in-person provided:
- they are fever-free (< 100°F) and feel well enough to participate,
- they do not live with anyone who has had COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks,
- they can wear a mask consistently and correctly, and
- they test negative for COVID-19 prior to reporting in person on every day they have symptoms, as well as one final test on the morning their symptoms have completely resolved.
Individuals who have any respiratory disease symptoms should not use the Test-Mask-Go strategy if:
- they have a fever (≥ 100°F) or feel feverish (they should not report in person until their fever has resolved for at least 24 hours without the use of medication)
- they live with a person who recently tested positive for COVID-19 (within the past 2 weeks)