Berlin Public Schools
The Berlin Public Schools are excited to be able to allow public access to our comprehensive K-12 curriculum through this link:
ATLAS Public Access
The link will provide you limited access to our curriculum documents which are used by all teachers throughout the district. Upon opening the site, you will be able to view the following: pacing guides for each subject or content area, standards that will be met, content to be taught and the skills gained. The Berlin Public Schools believes in a continuous improvement process in which teaching and curriculum is an ongoing cycle of revision and development to meet the needs of our students. As you view our curriculum maps, please note that our common standards-based curriculum is fluid and constantly changing. Some sections may appear to be incomplete as revisions are made and what appears one day may not be the same the next.
Our intention in providing this information is to allow parents to better understand what skills and content are being taught throughout the school district. We believe in a common standards-based curriculum for all students but do not subscribe to a prescribed curriculum in which all teachers teach the same lesson using the same materials on the same day. Instead, we promote a common curriculum for all students in which skilled educators design lessons and deliver instruction to meet the needs of their students. For the reasons stated above, teachers may deviate from the timelines noted in the curriculum map, but must ensure the curriculum is covered and the skills are gained.
We hope you find our curriculum site to be a useful educational tool. Should you have questions, comments or feedback, please contact either of our Directors of Curriculum, Kara Watson [email protected] or Laurie Gjerpen [email protected]. Or reach out to them at the Board of Education (860)828-6581.