

The Board of Education has three standing committees. These committees are: Curriculum; Community Engagement; and Finance and Operations. Each committee is composed of three Board members appointed by the Board president, with each member serving on one committee.

BOE Committee Assignments 2023-24

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee is responsible for reviewing and overseeing the overall instructional program of the district. The responsibilities of this committee include; but are not limited to:

a) Work with the administration on the development of new instructional programs and courses.

b) Work with the administration concerning the development, establishment and maintenance of a program for curriculum review.

c) Actively participate in the review, evaluation, and development of the district’s curriculum, including the revision or elimination of programs or courses.

d) Review and make recommendations for revision of policies related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Reference: BOE Policy 9001

Community Engagement Committee

The Community Engagement Committee is primarily responsible for developing strategies to share information with all constituencies regarding the work of the Board. The responsibilities of this committee include; but are not limited to:

a) Developing and maintaining a system-wide engagement and communication plan.

b) Monitoring of the effectiveness of communications, citizen involvement and community awareness of Berlin’s schools and their goals.

c) Keeping abreast of current educational information and best practices relating to continuous improvement and student achievement.

Reference: BOE Policy 9001

Finance and Operations Committee

The focus of the Finance and Operations Committee is to obtain, direct and manage the funds and resources that are needed to operate the business and labor functions of the district, as well as provide the Board, administrators and staff with the tools necessary to manage the school system and its facilities. The responsibilities of this committee include; but are not limited to:

a) Monitoring of information to ensure that district resources are utilized effectively, efficiently, and equitably to improve operations, programs and student achievement.

b) Work with the superintendent and director of finance and operations regarding the development and management of the district’s annual budget and associated contracts.

c) Monitor community demographic information, changes in instructional and curricular needs, and facility usage to ensure a safe and optimal learning environment.

Reference: BOE Policy 9001